diabetes with hypertension icd 10

Most coders are unaware of the correct code for diabetes with hypertension(ICD-10). High blood pressure is not specifically labeled as a problem. Diabetes mellitus codes are letter-and-number combinations that describe the type of diabetes, the affected body system, and the complications associated with that system. These codes must represent all the difficulties related to the condition and be organized from categories E08-E13.

Diabetes with hypertension ICD-10 guidelines suggest entering code I10 if the patient has hypertension and code E11 if they have documented type 2 diabetic symptoms. ICD-10 does not assume a connection between hypertension and diabetes as with other illnesses. The two conditions must be reported individually, even if they share a common source.

The present article intends to shed light on all the important aspects related to the coding and billing for diabetes with hypertension using ICD-10. In this post, you will also learn about the ICD-10 code for hypertension. Continue reading this post to get familiar with the billing /coding rules for hypertension with diabetes ICD-10.

Diabetes with Hypertension ICD-10

Since diabetes and hypertension are related, it is essential to carefully analyze all documentation from providers and place it in the appropriate category. Evidence and support indicate that diabetes co-exists with hypertension. So, reviewing guidelines for coding and billing is crucial for diabetes with hypertension ICD-10. If the doctor had written “diabetes and high blood pressure,” you would not assume the two diseases are related. ICD-10 does not connect the terms “diabetes” and “hypertension” with the conjunction “with.”

If the physician has documented that diabetes is the direct cause of high blood pressure, then high blood pressure should be referred to as a circulatory impact. As complications, only the terms specified under “diabetes with” in the index should be included, and each of these terms should have its documentation.

When “with” or “in” appear in a code title, they should be interpreted as “connected to” or “because of.” This is true regardless of location. The classification presupposes a connection between the two items linked by these terms in the alphabetical index or tabular list. Even if not explicitly stated in the provider documentation, these circumstances should be coded as related unless the documentation states otherwise. If these relational phrases do not expressly link two criteria in the classification, or if a guideline states that two conditions must be explicitly linked, then the provider documentation must connect the requirements for them to be coded as related.

Unless the doctor draws a strong connection between the two, it is not believed that diabetes and hypertension are associated, so there is no particular code for diabetes with hypertension ICD-10. If a patient has both diabetes and retinopathy, the two illnesses are likely connected. It appears likely that there is a connection and that the correct combination code will be provided.

ICD-10 Diabetes codes are groupings of codes that identify the type of diabetes, the affected body component, and any associated problems.

Diabetes should be marked as E11.9, while hypertension should be coded as I10. Diabetes and hypertension are not always associated; therefore, we must carefully study and record the information the healthcare practitioner provides.

icd-10 code for hypertension

Diabetes with Hypertension ICD-10 Guidelines

To include hypertension as a complication of diabetes, code I15.2, “Hypertension related to endocrine disorders,” and E11.- for diabetes. In the doctor’s note, it must also be stated that diabetes is the reason for high blood pressure.

ICD-10CM posits a cause-and-effect relationship between chronic kidney disease (CKD), hypertension (HTN), and diabetes.

When all three diseases are present, the likelihood that CKD is associated with HTN or diabetes is significantly increased. Both high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels in the blood vessels can cause damage to the blood vessels, which in turn can cause damage to the kidneys.

If the documentation from the physician indicates that the chronic kidney disease is unrelated to hypertension, the CKD should not be identified as hypertensive. Based on the information provided, the following ICD-10-CM codes for the patient’s visit are reported:

  • E11.649 for type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • E11.22 for type 2 diabetes with diabetic CKD
  • I12.9 for hypertensive CKD

ICD-10 Code for Hypertension

Every medical center offers treatment for hypertension. The diagnostic codes have been simplified with the release of ICD-10, and the hypertension table is no longer required. Although controlled and uncontrolled blood pressure has no bearing on coding, effective clinical documentation should reflect the patient’s condition and the type of hypertension being treated.

Combination codes have been developed for reporting hypertension and its associated conditions.

Here are some of the categories of hypertension:

  • Hypertension (primary, benign, essential): I10
  • Hypertensive heart disease: I11
  • Hypertension & chronic kidney disease: I12
  • Hypertensive heart & CKD, i.e., Chronic Kidney Disease: I13

Category I11, i.e., hypertensive heart disease, is used when the documentation demonstrates or suggests a cause-and-effect relationship between hypertension and heart disease. A second code should be used to determine the kind of cardiac failure if the heart fails.

ICD-10 code for hypertension, i.e., I10, is a billable medical code used for reimbursement purposes. When I10 is the primary diagnosis, it is typically insufficient to justify hospitalization with acute care.

The following codes above I10 contain references to annotations that may be pertinent to I10:

  • Conditions affecting the cardiovascular system: I00-I99
  • Hypertensive disorders: I10-I16

The ICD-10 system assigns a single code to those who meet hypertension criteria but do not suffer from heart or kidney illness. This is known as I10, essential hypertension, or primary hypertension.

The primary cause of secondary hypertension is the underlying disease. Two codes must be entered: one from category I15 to determine what high blood pressure is and another from category I14 to determine what caused the high blood pressure. The purpose for entry or contact determines the order of the codes.

Category I13 is used for hypertension with diabetes in the ICD-10 system.

See Also: Guide to Medical Billing and Coding Best Practices


Diabetes and hypertension are two common illnesses that occur regularly. Diabetes with Hypertension ICD-10 guidelines indicates that E11.9 must be coded for type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications while I10 must be used for primary hypertension.

Precision Hub is a market-leading firm that assists the medical industry with its billing and coding requirements. You can review the payer’s coding instructions if you want to know how to code diabetes-related hypertension. If your practice requires medical billing and coding assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us through email at info@arturodigital.org or by phone at (888) 454-4325.

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